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Building Sustainable and Inclusive Futures

through multi-asset private alternatives

About Us
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Meet ARQ

We are a principal-managed multi-asset investment firm that helps stakeholders power growth, protect futures, and achieve robust risk-adjusted results in the long run. 

ARQCapital Business Financing

Growing SMEs 

₱2 bn+


1 -4 yrs

Primary Target

Deployed Capital

Investees Supported

Investment Horizon

Image by Vladimir Malyavko


Dedicated professionals with 50+ years in banking, investments, private equity, and corporate

Interested to Join ARQTeam? Send us your application!

The ideal candidate will lead and assist efforts in pursuit of providing appropriate and innovative mezzanine investment, and value creation to select promising Philippine SMEs.


Image by Verne Ho

We can help you GROW!

Our mission and passion is to enable and promote SME competitiveness in the Philippines towards an inclusive growth roadmap and thriving ecosystem 

Why ARQCapital?


We have five years of demonstrated track record and well positioned to scale


Our vision and strategy is more defined than ever


We will focus on high growth sectors which offer natural downside protection


We believe there is a favorable capital environment over the next 2-3 years


We offer an exciting LT yielding investment product with stable cash flow.

Small Infrastructure & Logistics
Industrial & Materials
Real Estate
Food & Agriculture

Grow your business with ARQ

The preferred smart capital partner of growing entrepreneurs and SMEs in the Philippines where we partner with owner-managers to support their growth capital requirements as they undertake transformational opportunities. 

ARQ Industries

Image by Nick Wessaert
Project Royal
Project Gordon
Project Muscle
Project Build

Latest News

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